Consider this: most people don’t give a sh*t about whatever it is you are trying to sell. They just don’t. There is only so much room in any given brain to give a sh*t about stuff, and you’re up against stuff like Game of Thrones, videos of Russian car accidents and, for B2B, dialing into conference calls […]
Brand Loyalty Begins with Giving a Sh*t
Many marketers waste their time and money trying to force-feed awareness of their brand or product. A far better approach is to build something the right people will care about. As it did for Zappos and Starbucks, awareness will follow.
Sometimes Marketing Should Whisper
I don’t know about you, but I’m about hoarse from all the yelling I’ve been doing lately. What with radio, OOH and a bunch of SEM stuff, I’ve been screaming for quite a few weeks now. No complaints: the leads are coming in, but sometimes marketing can be just as effective when we don’ t interrupt […]
Why Candy Crush is Eating Your Brain
I am worried that Candy Crush is eating our brains. I used to worry that email was eating our brains; now I’m pretty sure it’s that horrible game. My evidence is based on rudely peering at other people’s screens on the subway and the fact that 93-million fellow humans play it every day, driving about […]
Still Using Bad Photos? You Need the Other High-Res
Back in May we looked at (and mocked) the silly world of stock images, particularly for business marketers. Photos of sleek call centres, beautiful employees and cult-level enthusiasm are used over and over again by lazy marketers and agencies to break up text and create a home for alt tags. All of this despite the […]